In press
Colombo, M., Lai, J., & Crupi, V. (in press).
Sleeping Beauty goes to the lab: The psychology of self-locating evidence.
The Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Gazzo Castañeda, L. E., & Knauff, M. (in press).
The specificity of terms affects conditional reasoning.
Thinking & Reasoning.
Koscholke, J., & Schippers, M. (in press).
Coherence and common causes: Against relevance-sensitive measures of coherence.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1-12.
Moussaïd, M., Herzog, S. M., Kämmer, J. E., & Hertwig, R. (in press).
Reach and speed of judgment propagation in the laboratory.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Weinberger, N. (in press).
Path-specific effects.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Beierle, C., Eichhorn, C., Kern-Isberner, G., & Kutsch, S. (2018).
Properties of skeptical c-inference for conditional knowledge bases and its realization as a constraint satisfaction problem.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 83, 247-275.
Coenen, A., Nelson, J. D., Gureckis, T. M. (2018).
Asking the right questions about the psychology of human inquiry: Nine open challenges.
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
Colombo, M. (2018).
Bayesian cognitive science, predictive brains, and the nativism debate.
Synthese, 195, 4817-4838.
Colombo, M., Duev, G., Nujten, M., & Sprenger, J. (2018).
Statistical reporting inconsistencies in experimental philosophy. PLOS ONE, 13(4): e0194360.
Colombo, M., & Weinberger, N. (2018).
Discovering Brain Mechanisms Using Network Analysis and Causal Modeling.
Minds and Machines, 28, 265-286 .
Crupi, V., Nelson, J. D., Meder, B., Cevolani, G., & Tentori, K. (2018).
Generalized information theory meets human cognition: Introducing a
unified framework to model uncertainty and information search.
Cognitive Science, 42, 1410-1456..
Douven, I., & Rott, H. (2018).
From Probabilities to Categorical Beliefs: Going Beyond Toy Models.
Journal of Logic and Computation, exy017.
Forster, M., Raskutti, G., Stern, R., & Weinberger, N. (2018).
The frugal inference of causal relations.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 69, 821-848.
Gazzo Castañeda, L. E., & Knauff, M. (2018).
Quantifying disablers in reasoning with universal and existential rules.
Thinking & Reasoning, 24(3), 344-365.
Klein, D., & Colombo, M. (2018).
Mystery and the evidential impact of unexplainables.
Episteme, 15, 463-475.
[This article was discussed by Tania Lombrozo in 13.7: Cosmos & Culture]
Sanfilippo, G., Pfeifer, N., Over, D. E., & Gilio, A. (2018). Probabilistic inferences from conjoined to iterated conditionals.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 93, 103-118.
Schurz, G. (2018).
Impossibility Results for Rational Belief. Noûs.
Spohn, W. (2018).
Epistemic justification: Its subjective and its objective ways. Synthese.
Spohn, W. (2018). How the modalities come into the world. Erkenntnis, 83, 89-112.
Sprenger, J. (2018).
Foundations of a probabilistic theory of causal strength.
The Philosophical Review, 127, 371-398.
Tentori, K., Pighin, S., Divan, C., & Crupi, V. (2018).
Mind the gap: Physicians' assessment of patients' importance weights in localized prostate cancer.
PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200780 .
Thorn, P. (2018).
Induction by Direct Inference Meets the Goodman Problem.
Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy.
Voelkel, J.G., Brandt, M.J., & Colombo, M. (2018).
I know that I know nothing: Can puncturing the illusion of explanatory depth overcome the relationship between attitudinal dissimilarity and prejudice?
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 3, 56-78.
Beierle, C., Eichhorn, C., & Kutsch, S. (2017). A practical comparison of qualitative inferences with preferred ranking models.
Künstliche Intelligenz, 31(1), 41-52.
Cevolani, G., & Schurz, G. (2017). Probability, approximate truth, and truthlikeness: More ways out of the preface paradox.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 95(2), 209-225.
Colombo, M. (2017).
Experimental Philosophy of Explanation Rising. The case for a plurality of concepts of explanation.
Cognitive Science, 41, 503-517.
Colombo, M. (2017). Why build a virtual brain? Large-scale neural simulations as jump start for cognitive computing.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 29(2), 361-370.
Colombo, M., Bucher, L., & Sprenger, J. (2017).
Determinants of Judgments of Explanatory Power: Credibility, Generality, and Statistical Relevance.
Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1430.
Colombo, M., Gervais, R., & Sprenger, J. (2017).
Introduction: Objectivity in science.
Synthese, 194, 4641-4642.
Colombo, M., & Hartmann, S. (2017).
Bayesian Cognitive Science, Unification, and Explanation.
The British Journal for Philosophy of Science, 68, 451-484.
Colombo, M., & Wright, C. D. (2017). Explanatory pluralism: An unrewarding prediction error for free energy theorists.
Brain and Cognition, 122 , 3-12.
Hertwig, R., & Grüne-Yanoff, T. (2017).
Nudging and boosting: Steering or empowering good decisions.
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12, 973-986.
Jarecki, J., Meder, B., & Nelson, J. D. (2017). Naïve and robust: Class-conditional independence in human classification learning. Cognitive Science.
Knauber, H. M., Schray, H. H., Meder, B., Martignon, L. F., & Nelson, J. D. (2017). Informationssuche im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule -
Zahlenbeispiele und Fabelwesen als mögliches Lern-Lehrarrangement [Information search in mathematics teaching in primary school: Number
games and mythical creatures as a possible learning-teaching
arrangement]. MNU Journal, 6, 375-382.
Meder, B. & Mayrhofer, R. (2017). Diagnostic causal reasoning with verbal information. Cognitive Psychology, 96, 54-84.
Pachur, T., Mata, R., & Hertwig, R. (2017). Who errs, who dares? Disentangling cognitive and motivational roots of age differences in decisions under risk. Psychological Science.
Pachur, T., Suter, R. S., & Hertwig, R. (2017). How the twain can meet: Prospect theory and models of heuristics in risky choice.
Cognitive Psychology, 93, , 44-73.
Pfeifer, N. & Sanfilippo, G. (2017).
Probabilistic squares and hexagons of opposition under coherence.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 88, 282-294.
Pfeifer, N. & Tulkki, L. (2017).
Conditionals, counterfactuals, and rational reasoning. An experimental study on basic principles.
Minds and Machines, 27, 119-165.
Ragni, M., Eichhorn, C., Bock, T., Kern-Isberner, G., & Ping Ping Tse, Alice (2017). Formal nonmonotonic theories and properties of human defeasible reasoning.
Minds and Machines, 27(1), 79-117.
Rehder, B., & Waldmann, M. R. (2017). Failures of explaining away and screening off in described versus experienced causal learning scenarios.
Memory & Cognition, 45(2), 245-260.
Rott, H. (2017).
Negative Doxastic Voluntarism and the Concept of Belief.
Synthese, 194, 2695-2720.
Rott, H. (2017).
Preservation and Postulation: Lessons from the New Debate on the Ramsey Test.
Mind, 126(502), 609-626.
Rott, H. (2017).
Stability and Scepticism in the Modelling of Doxastic States: Probabilities and Plain Beliefs.
Minds and Machines, 27, 167-197.
Schippers, M., & Schurz, G. (2017). Genuine coherence as mutual confirmation between content elements.
Studia Logica, 105(2), 299-329.
Schurz, G. (2017).
Optimality justifications: New foundations for foundation-oriented epistemology. Synthese.
Schurz, G. (2017).
No Free Lunch Theorem, Inductive Skepticism, and the Optimality of Meta-Induction. Philosophy of Science, 84, 825-839.
Schurz, G. (2017). Optimality justifications: New foundations for foundation-oriented epistemology.
Synthese, 1-21.
Skovgaard-Olsen, N., Kellen, D., Krahl, H., and Klauer, K. C. (2017).
Relevance differently affects the truth, acceptability, and probability evaluations of 'And', 'But', 'Therefore', and 'If Then'.
Thinking and Reasoning, 23, 449-482.
Spohn, W. (2017)
Knightian Uncertainty Meets Ranking Theory. Homo Oeconomicus,34, 293-311.
Spohn, W. (2017).
The epistemology and auto-epistemology of temporal self-location and forgetfulness. Ergo, 4, 359-418.
Stenning, K., Martignon, L., & Varga, A. (2017).
Probability-free judgment: Integrating fast and frugal heuristics with a logic of interpretation.
Decision, 4, 171-196.
Thorn, P. D. (2017).
Against deductive closure. Theoria, 83(2), 103-119.
Thorn, P. (2017).
A Note Concerning Infinite Regresses of Deferred Justification.
Philosophia, 45, 349-357.
Thorn, P. D. (2017).
On the preference for more specific reference classes. Synthese, 194, 2025-2051.
Weinberger, N. (2017). Faithfulness, coordination, and causal coincidences.
Woike, J. K., Hoffrage, U., & Martignon, L. (2017). Integrating and testing natural frequencies, naïve Bayes, and fast-and-frugal trees.
Decision, 4, 234-260.
Wright, C., Colombo, M., & Beard, A. (2017).
HIT and Brain Reward Function: A Case of Mistaken Identity (Theory).
History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 64, 28-40.
Wu, C. M., Meder, B., Filimon, F., & Nelson, J. D. (2017). Asking better questions: How presentation formats influence information search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition.
Arkes, H. R., Gigerenzer, G., & Hertwig, R.(2016).
How bad is incoherence? Decision, 3, 20-39.
Colombo, M. (2016). Experimental philosophy of explanation rising: The case for a plurality of concepts of explanation.
Cognitive Science, 1-15.
Colombo, M., Bucher, L., & Inbar, Y. (2016). Explanatory judgment, moral offense and value-free science.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 7(4), 743-763.
Crupi, V. (2016).
Inductive logic. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 44 (The Fortieth Anniversary Issue), 641-650.
Crupi, V., & Tentori, K. (2016).
Noisy probability judgment, the conjunction fallacy, and rationality: Comment on Costello and Watts (2014). Psychological Review, 123, 97-102.
Eichhorn, C., Fey, M., & Kern-Isberner, G. (2016). CP- and OCF-networks—a comparison.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 298, 109-127.
Elia F., Aprà F., Verhovez A., & Crupi V. (2016).
"First, know thyself": Cognition and error in medicine. Acta Diabetologica, 53, 169-175.
Elkin, L., & Wheeler, G. (2016). Resolving peer disagreements through imprecise probabilities.
Gazzo Castañeda, L. E., & Knauff, M. (2016). Defeasible reasoning with legal conditionals.
Memory and Cognition, 44 (3), 499-517.
Gazzo Castañeda, L. E., & Knauff, M. (2016). When will is not the same as should: The role of modals in reasoning with legal conditionals.
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(8), 1480-1497.
Gazzo Castañeda, L. E., Richter, B., & Knauff, M. (2016). Negativity bias in defeasible reasoning.
Thinking and Reasoning, 22 (2), 209-220.
Gilio, A., Pfeifer, N., & Sanfilippo, G. (2016). Transitivity in coherence-based probability logic.
Journal of Applied Logic, 14, 46-64.
Hertwig, R., & Engel, C. (2016). Homo ignorans: Deliberately choosing not to know.
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 359-372.
Hertwig, R., & Pedersen, A. P. (2016). Finding foundations for bounded and adaptive rationality.
Minds and Machines, 26 (1-2), 1-8.
Kellen, D., Pachur, T., & Hertwig, R. (2016). How (in)variant are subjective representations of described and experienced risk and rewards?
Cognition, 157, 126-138.
Koscholke, J. (2016).
Carnap's relevance measure as probabilistic measure of coherence. Erkenntnis, 1-12.
Koscholke, J. (2016).
Evaluating test cases for probabilistic measures of coherence. Erkenntnis, 81(1), 155-181.
Koscholke, J., & Jekel, M. (2016).
Probabilistic coherence measures: A psychological study of coherence assessment. Synthese.
Mayo-Wilson, C., & Wheeler, G. (2016). Scoring imprecise credences: A mildly immodest proposal.
Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, 93(1), 55-78.
Mayrhofer, R., & Waldmann, M. R. (2016).
Causal agency and the perception of force. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(3), 789-796.
Mayrhofer, R., & Waldmann, M. R. (2016).
Sufficiency and necessity assumptions in causal structure induction. Cognitive Science, 40, 2137-2150.
Moussaïd, M., Kapadia, M., Thrash, T., Sumner, R. W., Gross, M., Helbing, D. & Hoelscher, C (2016). Crowd behaviour during high-stress evacuations in an immersive virtual environment.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13, 1-8.
Moussaïd, M., & Seyed Yahosseini, K. (2016). Can simple transmission chains foster collective intelligence in binary-choice tasks?.
PLoS ONE, 11(11), 1-17.
Moussaïd, M., & Trauernicht, M. (2016). Patterns of cooperation during collective emergencies in the help-or-escape social dilemma.
Scientific Reports, 6, 1-9.
Pfeifer, N. (2016). Experimental probabilistic pragmatics beyond Bayes' theorem.
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 35 (1), 89-96.
Ragni, M., Franzmeier, I., Maier, S., & Knauff, M. (2016). Uncertain relational reasoning in the parietal cortex.
Brain & Cognition, 104, 72-81.
Raidl, E., & Skovgaard-Olsen, N. (2016). Bridging ranking theory and the stability theory of belief. Journal of Philosophical Logic.
Samland, J., Josephs, M., Waldmann, M. R. & Rakoczy, H. (2016).
The role of prescriptive norms and knowledge in children's and adults' causal selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145(2), 125-130.
Samland, J., & Waldmann, M. R. (2016).
How prescriptive norms influence causal inferences. Cognition, 156, 164-176.
Schippers, M. (2016). The problem of coherence and truth redux.
Schurz, G., & Gebharter, A. (2016). Causality as a theoretical concept: Explanatory warrant and empirical content of the theory of causal nets.
Synthese, 193 (4), 1073-1103.
Schurz, G., & Thorn, P. D. (2016). The revenge of ecological rationality: Strategy-selection by meta-induction within changing environments.
Minds and Machines, 26 (1-2), 31-59.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2016). Probabilistic conditional reasoning: Disentangling form and content with the dual-source model.
Cognitive Psychology, 88, 61-87.
Skovgaard-Olsen, N. (2016). Motivating the Relevance Approach to Conditionals.
Mind & Language, 31 (5), 555-579.
Skovgaard-Olsen, N. (2016). Ranking theory and conditional reasoning.
Cognitive Science, 40 (4), 848-880.
Skovgaard-Olsen, N., Singmann, H., & Klauer, K.C. (2016). Relevance and reason relations. Cognitive Science.
Skovgaard-Olsen, N., Singmann, H., & Klauer, K. C. (2016). The relevance effect and conditionals.
Cognition, 150, 26-36.
Spohn, W. (2016).
Three kinds of worlds and two kinds of truth. Philosophical Studies, 173, 1335-1359.
Spohn, W. (2016). Truth and rationality. Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology, and Political Science, 36, 7-19.
Suter, R. S., Pachur, T., & Hertwig, R. (2016). How affect shapes risky choice: Distorted probability weighting versus probability neglect.
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29, 437-449.
Tentori, K., Chater, N., & Crupi, V. (2016). Judging the probability of hypotheses versus the impact of evidence: which form of inductive inference is more accurate and time-consistent?
Cognitive Science, 40 (3), 758-778.
Thorn, P. D., & Schurz, G. (2016). Qualitative probabilistic inference under varied entropy levels.
Journal of Applied Logic, 19, 87-101.
von Sydow, M. (2016).
Towards a pattern-based logic of probability judgements and logical inclusion "fallacies". Thinking & Reasoning, 22 (3), 297-335.
von Sydow, M., Hagmayer, Y., & Meder, B. (2016). Transitive reasoning distorts induction in causal chains.
Memory & Cognition, 44 (3), 469-487.
Colombo, M., & Hartmann, S. (2015).
Bayesian cognitive science, unification, and explanation. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Eichhorn, C., & Kern-Isberner, G. (2015). Qualitative and semi-quantitative inductive reasoning with conditionals.
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 29(3), 279-289.
Eichhorn, C., & Kern-Isberner, G. (2015). Using inductive reasoning for completing OCF-networks.
Journal of Applied Logic, 605-627.
Hoffrage, U., Krauss, S., Martignon, L. & Gigerenzer, G. (2015). Natural frequencies improve Bayesian reasoning in simple and complex inference tasks.
Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1473.
Koscholke, J., & Schippers, M. (2015). Against relative overlap measures of coherence.
Mayrhofer, R., & Waldmann, M. R. (2015).
Agents and causes: Dispositional intuitions as a guide to causal structure. Cognitive Science, 39, 65-95.
Nejasmic, J., Bucher, L., & Knauff, M. (2015).
The construction of spatial mental models—a new view on the continuity effect. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (9), 1794-1812.
Ragni, M., & Stolzenburg, F. (2015). Higher-Level Cognition and Computation: A Survey.
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 29(3), 1-7.
Rott, H. (2015).
A Puzzle About Disputes and Disagreements.
Erkenntnis, 80, 167-189.
Schippers, M. (2015). Competing accounts of contrastive coherence.
Schippers, M. (2015).
Towards a Grammar of Bayesian Coherentism. Studia Logica, 103 (5), 955-984.
Schippers, M., & Siebel, M. (2015). Inconsistency as a touchstone
for coherence measures. Theoria. Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia, 30(1), 11-41.
Schurz, G.. (2015).
Causality and unification: How causality unifies statistical regularities. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 30(1), 73-95.
Skovgaard-Olsen, N. (2015). The problem of logical omniscience, the preface paradox,
and doxastic commitments. Synthese.
Spohn, W. (2015).
Conditionals: A unifying ranking-theoretic perspective. Philosophers' Imprint, 15(1).
Sprenger, J. (2015).
A novel solution to the problem of old evidence. Philosophy of Science, 82, 383-401 .
Suter, R. S., Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., Endestad, T., & Biele, G. (2015). The neural basis of risky choice with affective outcomes. PLoS ONE, 10(4):e0122475.
Thorn, P. (2015).
The Inheritance of Defaults in the Case of Exceptional Subclasses.
The Reasoner, 9, 93.
Thrash, T., Kapadia, M., Moussaïd, M., Wilhelm, C., Helbing, D., Sumner, R. W., & Holscher, C. (2015). Evaluation of control interfaces for desktop virtual environments.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 24,, 322-334.
Wichary, S., Pachur, T., & Li, M. (2015). Risk-taking tendencies in prisoners and nonprisoners: Does gender matter? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28(5), 504-514.
Wulff, D. U., Hills, T. T., & Hertwig, R. (2015). How short- and long-run aspirations impact search and choice in decisions from experience.
Cognition, 144, 29-37.
Colombo, M. (2014). Explaining social norm compliance: A plea for neural representations Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13(2), 217-238.
Colombo, M. (2014). Neural representationalism, the Hard Problem of Content and vitiated verdicts: A reply to Hutto & Myin (2013). Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13(2), 257-274.
Colombo, M. (2014). Two neurocomputational building blocks of social norm compliance. Biology & Philosophy, 29(1), 71-88.
Colombo, M., Stankevicius, A., & Seriès, P. (2014). Benefits of social vs. non-social feedback on learning and generosity. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-9.
Crupi, V., & Girotto, V. (2014). From is to ought, and back: how normative concerns foster progress in reasoning research. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-3.
Crupi, V., & Tentori, K. (2014). Measuring information and confirmation. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 47, 81-90.
Dawid, R., Hartmann, S., & Sprenger, J. (2014). The no alternatives argument. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 66(1): 213-234.
Jekel, M., Glöckner, A., Bröder, A., & Maydych, V. (2014). Approximating rationality under incomplete information: Adaptive inferences for missing cue values based on cue-discrimination.
Judgment and Decision Making, 9(2), 129-147.
Kern-Isberner, G., & Eichhorn, C. (2014).
Structural inference from conditional knowledge bases. Studia Logica, 102(4), 751-769.
Meder, B., Mayrhofer, R., & Waldmann, M. R. (2014).
Structure induction in diagnostic causal reasoning. Psychological Review, 121, 277-301.
Mayrhofer, R., & Waldmann, M. R. (2014).
Indicators of causal agency in physical interactions: The role of the prior context. Cognition, 132(3), 485-490.
Nelson, J. D., Divjak, B., Gudmundsdottir, G., Martignon, L. F., & Meder, B. (2014).
Children's information search is sensitive to environmental probabilities. Cognition, 130, 74-80.
Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., & Wolkewitz, R. (2014). The affect gap in risky choice: Affect-rich outcomes attenuate attention to probability information.
Decision, 1(1), 64-78.
Pfeifer, N. (2014). Reasoning about uncertain conditionals. Studia Logica, 102, 849-866.
Pfeifer, N. & Douven, I. (2014). Formal epistemology and the new paradigm psychology of reasoning. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology,
5, 199-221.
Pleskac, T. J., & Hartwig, R. (2014). Ecologically rational choice and the structure of the environment Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(5), 2000-2019.
Rott, H. (2014).
Three Floors for the Theory of Theory Change.
The Logica Yearbook 2013, 187-205.
Rott, H. (2014).
Two Concepts of Plausibility in Default Reasoning.
Erkenntnis, 79, 1219-1252.
Rott, H. (2014).
Unvergleichbarkeit und unabhängige Bedeutung.
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 68, 237-241.
Schippers, M. (2014).
Probabilistic measures of coherence: from adequacy constraints towards pluralism. Synthese, 191(16), 3821-3845.
Schurz, G.. (2014).
Cognitive success: Instrumental justifications of normative systems of reasoning. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 625.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Kellen, D. (2014).
Intuitive logic revisited: new data and a Bayesian mixed model meta-analysis. PloS one, 9(4), e94223.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Over, D. (2014).
New normative standards of conditional reasoning and the dual-source model. Frontiers in Psychology, 5.
Spohn, W. (2014). Replik auf die Kommentare von Ralf Busse und Hans Rott. Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 68, 100-103.
Spohn, W. (2014).
Précis von The Laws of Belief. Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 68, 82-89.
Spohn, S. (2014).
The epistemic account of ceteris paribus conditions. European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 4, 385-408.
Thorn, P., M. (2014).
Defeasible Conditionalization. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 43(2), 283-302.
Thorn, P. D., & Schurz, G. (2014). A Utility based evaluation of
logico-probabilistic systems. Studia Logica, 102, 867-890.
Brun, G., & Rott, H. (2013).
Interpreting Enthymematic Arguments Using Belief Revision.
Synthese, 190, 4041-4063.
Colombo, M. (2013). Leges sine moribus vanae: Does language make moral thinking possible? Biology & Philosophy,
28, 501-521.
Colombo, M. (2013). Moving forward (and beyond) the modularity debate: A network perspective. Philosophy of
Science, 80(3), 356-377.
Crupi, V., Chater, N., & Tentori, K. (2013). New axioms for probability and likelihood ratio measures. British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, 64, 189-204.
Crupi, V., & Tentori, K. (2013). Confirmation theory as partial entailment: A representation theorem in inductive logic. Journal of Applied Logic, 11(4), 364-372.
Erratum (2014). Journal of Applied Logic, 12(3), 230-231.
Hertwig, R., & Volz, K. G. (2013). Abnormality, rationality, and sanity. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(11), 547-549.
Klauer, K. C., & Singmann, H. (2013). Does logic feel good? Testing for intuitive detection of logicality in syllogistic reasoning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(4), 1265-1273.
Knauff, M., Bucher, L., Krumnack, A., & Nejasmic, J. (2013). Spatial belief revision.
Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25(2), 147-156.
Lisciandra, C., Postma-Nilsenová, M., & Colombo, M. (2013). Conformorality: A study on group conditioning of normative judgment.
Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 4(4), 751-764.
Meder, B., Le Lec, F., & Osman, M. (2013).
Decision making in uncertain times: what can cognitive and decision sciences say about or learn from economic crises?
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(6), 257-260.
Nagel, J., & Waldmann, M. R. (2013).
Deconfounding distance effects in judgments of moral obligation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(3), 789-796.
Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., Gigerenzer, G., & Brandstätter, E. (2013). Testing process predictions of models of risky choice:
A quantitative model comparison approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:646.
Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., & Rieskamp, J. (2013). Intuitive judgments of social statistics: How exhaustive does sampling need to be?
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 1059-1077.
Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., Gigerenzer, G., & Brandstätter, E. (2013). Testing process predictions of models of risky choice:
A quantitative model comparison approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:646.
Pfeifer, N. (2013). The new psychology of reasoning: A mental probability logical perspective. Thinking & Reasoning,
19, 329-345.
Ragni, M., & Knauff, M. (2013). A theory and a computational model of spatial reasoning with preferred mental models. Psychological Review, 120(3). 561-588.
Spohn, W. (2013). A ranking-theoretic approach to conditionals. Cognitive Science, 37, 1074-1106.
Tentori, K., & Crupi, V., (2013). Why quantum probability does not explain the conjunction fallacy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 308-310.
Tentori, K., Crupi, V., & Russo, S. (2013). On the determinants of the conjunction fallacy: Probability versus inductive confirmation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(1), 235-255.
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